Mrs. Remy High School Math Site

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     Well, I know a lot of people are nosy, so here is some information to feed your hunger. I graduated from John I Leonard High School in 2006 and a member of Nation Honor Society, Vice President of Computer Club, President of Interact club, a member of Marching Band, and in the top 2% of my graduating class.

     I then graduated from Palm Beach Community college with an Associate degree in Mathematics, an Associate degree in Education, an Associate degree in Communication in 2009 and a member of Phi Theta Kappa with a cumulative grade point average of 3.85.

     Then I transferred to Florida Atlantic University, where I graduated with a Bachelor degree in Mathematics, and a Bachelor degree in Communication. I am currently in process of attaining my Masters degree in Education.

Information on

This image was taken the day that I graduated from High school. The medial is a symbol of Graduating with honors, and top 5% of my class. The yellow band is for being part of Nation Honor Society and the yellow and blue cords is symbol of Mu Alpha Theta.


I would like to thank the entire musician in the world, no matter what type of music they represent, for I enjoy them all, and I mean ALL.