Mrs. Remy High School Math Site

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My Philosophy

Two road diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both.
The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost (1874–1963).

            As an educator, my main focus is to be fair to all of my current and future students. In my own past I have felt the unfair treatment of teachers and professors, and this swayed me from trying my best in the course. There are many ways I can be fair to my students, I can be fair to them by having a consistent grading system. Another way I can be fair to my students is maintaining the same level of expectation from every single student, and by not believing that only a few can succeed. By being fair to all students, it will eliminate this pointless distraction of unfair grades, in hopes of letting my students strive to earn knowledge and understanding.

           Many students and adults do not understand knowledge, because there is a difference between learning, memorizing, knowing and understanding. With my roots and branches in math, I am faced with the negativity that students feel about math and its aspects. I will teach my students what they need to memorize for my class if they chose to do this; however, I will also teach my students the information they need to become knowledgeable in order to understand the material. My classroom is a home for the knowledge of math. To you, my students, I will be reasonable and lenient while I give you constructive criticism. It is necessary to show students what they are not doing correctly, so they can implement new methods. I will not be sarcastic when I am critiquing; however, I will not be harsh to my students.  In my classroom, there will be a feeling of mutual respect, but it is essential for my students to always remember that I am your teacher and not your friend.